Statement Savings
Looking simply to save money? This account is perfect to start saving and earn interest with a low minimum balance required.
No minimum deposit required to open the account.
Interest will be credited to your account quarterly
A service charge of $5.00 will be imposed every month if the daily balance falls below $100.00 any day of the month.
Money Market
Earn a competitive interest rate in an account that allows you to write checks.
Interest will be credited to your account monthly.
Service charge of $5.00 per month plus $.20 per debit if the daily balance falls below $1,000.00
Super Money Market
Excellent savings account for those investors who can maintain higher account balances and can access the account by writing checks.
Tiered interest rate structure. Interest will be credited to your account monthly.
Service charge of $5.00 per month plus $.20 per debit if the daily balance falls below $10,000.00